About us
About the EMOTH methodology
At the Relationship Science Research Lab, we have conducted a series of interviews over the past years using the Emotional Map Of The Home (EMOTH) procedure. The emotional maps of the home and the participants' stories revealed that the Emotional Map Of The Home interview has therapeutic significance (read about the research here). Therefore, we translated the research experience into the counseling field and created the first version of the EMOTH systemic therapy procedure, which we have been using effectively in couple and family therapy consultations for many years.
Until now, no therapeutic tool has been available to apply this method. The family members drew the floor plan of their home by hand and marked their experiences, which took up a significant amount of consultation time.
Our team
From links to right: Emma Szlabey, Viola Sallay, Ph.D., and Tamás Martos, Ph.D.
Dr. Viola Sallay and Dr. Tamás Martos, a psychologist couple, both family therapists, university researchers - and the developers of the EMOTH therapeutic procedure.
About the EMOTH toolbox
After years of working and training together, Emma Szlabey, a graphic designer, joined our team. Combining the therapeutic and design aspects, we created a toolkit that allows EMOTH to be used quickly and effectively.
Thanks to its careful design, the therapeutic toy provides a visual experience and can be used flexibly to visualize home spaces and experiences.
"home is like a mirror."
Indeed, the home reveals much about the history and current life of a person, couple, or family. If we dare to look into this mirror, it shows us the joys, the sorrows, the difficulties, and the resources. From our therapeutic experience, we know that exploring the emotional context of the home environment can provide important insights for family members. This can lead to new understandings. This is precisely the change that can become the primary outcome of a therapeutic process.